Monday, January 7, 2008

Students who overstay visas 'not deported'

By Sophie Borland Last Updated: 9:28am GMT 07/01/2008

Foreign students who overstay their visas are not being deported as they are not regarded as a high priority by the Home Office, it was reported last night.
As part of a recent change in the laws, designed to crack down on student overstayers, people who apply to extend their visas for study purposes can be turned down.
According to a leaked memo, however, officials are rarely sending students home when their request to stay in the country longer is turned down because they are not regarded as a high enough priority.;jsessionid=WPRLYY5FYFBL5QFIQMFSFGGAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/news/2008/01/07/nstudent107.xml

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